
Christmas and New Year’s

‘Tis the Season (of Giving)

Any gifting plans for Christmas or New Year’s?
Nowadays, business gifting at Christmas time is the standard! But how can you find a truly unique gift box among all the options available—and how can you find the time to do it?

Don’t stress—we offer an extensive selection of seasonal gift boxes and baskets in the DDG Webshopperfect to give you the inspiration you need.

As the weather gets colder, help your customers, colleagues, and contacts warm up with a real wintery gift box—the Winter theme box contains a waffle iron, hot chocolate, and popcorn, the perfect ingredients for a cozy afternoon at home.

For those who want to relax, a lovely spa gift box is the right choice—the spa theme box comes in a rustic wooden crate, packed with a luxury scented candle and a warm blanket.

Fancy a game night? Our party theme box comes with a board game and lots of goodies to make the long Winter evenings unforgettable!

Company gift portal

As a service for you

How can you simplify your company gift process?
Everyone within the organization can order themselves, can you imagine?
With just a few clicks and paying by creditcard.
Watch this video which will show you how easy it can be!

Custom fit

Personal gifts to match your brand

We are always happy to come up with personalized gift boxes or presents to match your company and its employees. We take care of everything, so you can put a smile on your colleagues’ faces without any effort! Feel free to get in touch, and tell us what you’re looking for!

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Office BG-01

3741 LR Baarn